This October - cybersecurity awareness month I was hunting, hacking and winning with team Fr334aks-Mini on Huntress CTF 2023 We delved into the intricacies of Malware Analysis, Digital Forensics...
This weekend I Participated in Patriot CTF 2023 alongside my team Fr334aks-Mini. It was a jeopardy style ctf organised by the CyberSec club of George Mason University, MasonCC and these are some...
This weekend I Participated in Africa Battle CTF 2023. It was an awesome learning experience, thanks to the organizers. These are just but a few challenges I made this write up for. 1. Forensics...
My team and I participated in NahamCon CTF 2023 organized by John Hammond. This is a write up of two of the challenges I solved. 1. Forensics a. Perfectly Disinfected We are given a pdf docume...
Scanning and Enumeration Let’s do some port scanning. nmap -p- --min-rate 1500 -vv -Pn We identify a port for ssh and another unknown port. sudo nmap -sSVC -p50051,22
Something seems a little off with the server. Agent T uncovered this website, which looks innocent enough, but something seems off about how the server responds… Room here Enumeration nmap -sV 1...
h4cked — Tryhackme Detailed Writeup Find out what happened by analyzing a .pcap file and hack your way back into the machine. Room here Task 1 — Oh no! We’ve been hacked! It seems like our machi...
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