
UofTCTF 2025 Write up

Hello there, over the Weekend we - Fr334aks-mini got a chance to play University of Toronto CTF and emerged at the 377th place. UofTCTF 2025 was a jeopardy-style CTF that run from Sat, 11 Jan. 2...

P3rf3ctr00t CTF 2024 Write up

As part of our engagement in the P3rf3ctr00t CTF, Fr334aks-mini showcased remarkable teamwork and determination, achieving 5th place overall, while our second team secured 26th position. This com...

BlueHens CTF 2024 Write up

On Fri, 08 Nov. 2024 my team- Fr334aks-mini participated in Bluehens CTF 2024 - a jeopardy-style Capture The Flag (CTF) competition organized by the University of Delaware’s own CTF team in colla...

Huntress CTF 2023 Write up

This October - cybersecurity awareness month I was hunting, hacking and winning with team Fr334aks-Mini on Huntress CTF 2023 We delved into the intricacies of Malware Analysis, Digital Forensics...

Patriot CTF 2023 Write up

This weekend I Participated in Patriot CTF 2023 alongside my team Fr334aks-Mini. It was a jeopardy style ctf organised by the CyberSec club of George Mason University, MasonCC and these are some...

Africa Battle CTF 2023 Write up

This weekend I Participated in Africa Battle CTF 2023. It was an awesome learning experience, thanks to the organizers. These are just but a few challenges I made this write up for. 1. Forensics...

NahamCon CTF 2023 Write up

My team and I participated in NahamCon CTF 2023 organized by John Hammond. This is a write up of two of the challenges I solved. 1. Forensics a. Perfectly Disinfected We are given a pdf docume...