This October - cybersecurity awareness month I was hunting, hacking and winning with team Fr334aks-Mini on Huntress CTF 2023
We delved into the intricacies of Malware Analysis, Digital Forensics and Incident Response(DFIR), Cyber Threat Intelligence(CTI), Threat Hunting and much more
; all crafted by Huntress Security Researcher John Hammond
and Chief Evangelist Chris Cochran
Here’s one of the interesting challenges we tackled.
1. Malware
a. Zerion
We are given a file zerion
. First thing I do with files is check the file type. “zerion” has a PHP script with some other strings.
Checking it I found the script using base64
encoding and decoding, as well as string manipulation functions
like strrev
and str_rot13
. The script uses file_get_contents
to read its own source code, then splits the code into some array. one of the elements of the array is decoded using base64_decode
, then the string is reversed
and rotated
using strrev and str_rot13.
Just for the record, that md5-ish string didn’t work.
I decided to do it’s reverse with cyberchef. Decoded from ROT13 reversed the string and decoded from base64.
A mini-shell it was!
There are many ways of killing a rat!
Happy Hacking.