Home NahamCon CTF 2023 Write up

NahamCon CTF 2023 Write up

My team and I participated in NahamCon CTF 2023 organized by John Hammond. This is a write up of two of the challenges I solved.

1. Forensics

a. Perfectly Disinfected

We are given a pdf document.

I ran the pdf on pdf-parser and got some interesting null terminated text.

I wrote a short python code to remove the escape sequence characters.

And there we go.

2. PWN

a. Binary Exploitation

We have a binary to pwn and it’s code in C

Accessing the server for the challenge promped for a cave opener!
Decided to try out 1’s

I tried more 1’s and got an “incorrect password” message

Decided to open the binary with `Ghidra’. I looked around and found the function that was performing password checks. This should be what I’m looking for!

This time I tried the password multiple times and the cave opened! Got our flag right there.

The CTF was really awesome, I learnt alot from other challenges too.

Oh! and again, there are many ways of killing a rat!

Happy Hacking.

This post is licensed under CC BY 4.0 by the author.

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