Home SheHacksKE KCA Intervarsity CTF — 2022 Write up

SheHacksKE KCA Intervarsity CTF — 2022 Write up

A short write up for some ctf challenges held at KCA University during the intervarsity bootcamp by SheHacksKE, fr334aks, Safaricom, AfricaHackOn, Ekraal Innovation Hub, Trend Micro, Microsoft.

Challenge link


Challenge: Hunter1

Given a SHA256 hash of a malicious office document, What’s the name of the ransomware behind the Malicious Office Document?

This was pretty easy.


Searching the SHA256 hash on Google brings up a link highlighting “Gandcrab ransomware” and that’s it, you have hunted down the name of the ransomware.

Challenge: Last Hunt

This hunt was about the payment methods used by gandcrab. Other than BTC the Ransomware group also uses?


I did some googling on “gandcrab ransomware” and went through a few articles.

A story featured on malwarebytes (here) stated the payment method.



Challenge: Chatty Chatty — 2

“See ye and you shall find me”. Dig deeper to earn the second flag.
I didn’t get the first flag but here, I could “see and find”
I just saw and found.

Download the given file.
Well, turns out there are many ways of killing a rat(including burning the whole house)


I ran strings on the file and found a base64 string.

I decoded the base64 string to get the flag.


Similarly: Uploading the file at cyberchef also revealed the base64 without any recipe.

Go ahead and decode the string.Go ahead and decode the string.

Similarly: The exiftool should reveal the base64 string as explained by oste here.

Turns out; There are many ways of killing a rat!

Originally posted on medium

Happy Hacking.

This post is licensed under CC BY 4.0 by the author.

2022 CyberTalents Bootcamp CTF Writeup

CVE-2022-25765 pdfkit